You can use our powerful yet intuitive REST-like API to retrieve real-time information about your mining through LiteSolo.

The API respects the following conventions:


Blockchain Information

GET https://litesolo.org/api/v1/chains
Sample Response
    "LTC": {                               # information about Litecoin
        "height": 2396260,                 # height of the current best block
        "hash_rate": 648533943117000,      # estimate of the current global hash rate
        "difficulty": 20785580.478287995,  # difficulty of the next block
        "subsidy": 12.5,                   # subsidy generated by the next block
        "fee": 0.01                        # current LiteSolo fee for this chain, as a fraction
    "DOGE": {                              # information about Dogecoin
        "height": 4535804,
        "hash_rate": 623534500417000,
        "difficulty": 6445323.531315216,
        "subsidy": 10000,
        "fee": 0.01

Address Summary

GET https://litesolo.org/api/v1/addresses/{address}/summary
Sample Response
    "last_seen": 1671187791,              # time at which work was last submitted
    "hashes": 8.538324377e16,             # all-time hashes computed
    "ltc_blocks_found": 1,                # all-time Litecoin blocks found
    "doge_blocks_found": 3,               # all-time Dogecoin blocks found
    "ltc_blocks_exp": 0.9502658052,       # statistically expected all-time Litecoin blocks
    "doge_blocks_exp": 2.831957961,       # statistically expected all-time Dogecoin blocks
    "ltc_blocks_ccdf": 0.24595,           # complementary CDF of found Litecoin blocks (see FAQ)
    "doge_blocks_ccdf": 0.31518,          # complementary CDF of found Dogecoin blocks (see FAQ)
    "ltc_rewards": 12.5568296,            # all-time rewards from Litecoin blocks (not including stales)
    "doge_rewards": 29798.37161059,       # all-time rewards from Dogecoin blocks (not including stales)
    "ltc_rewards_exp": 11.78070675,       # statistically expected all-time LTC rewards
    "doge_rewards_exp": 28342.57467286,   # statistically expected all-time DOGE rewards
    "hash_rate": 508203000,               # current hash rate
    "stale_ratio": 0.00184729,            # fraction of recently received work that was stale
    "invalid_ratio": 0,                   # fraction of recently received work that was invalid
    "hash_rate_24h": 501357000,           # 24-hour average hash rate
    "stale_ratio_24h": 0.0025,            # ratio of stale work submitted in the last 24 hours
    "invalid_ratio_24h": 0                # ratio of invalid work submitted in the last 24 hours


Returns a JSON object mapping workers' names to their statistics.

GET https://litesolo.org/api/v1/addresses/{address}/workers
Sample Response
    "woody": {                      # this worker's name
        "last_seen": 1671302881,    # time at which the worker last submitted work
        "hash_rate": 508203000,     # current hash rate
        "stale_ratio": 0.00184729,  # ratio of stale work submitted recently
        "invalid_ratio": 0,         # ratio of invalid work submitted recently
        "hash_rate_24h": 501357000, # 24-hour average hash rate
        "stale_ratio_24h": 0.0025,  # ratio of stale work submitted in the last 24 hours
        "invalid_ratio_24h": 0      # ratio of invalid work submitted in the last 24 hours
    "potato": {                     # this worker has been inactive for a while, so some stats may be missing
        "last_seen": 1670953249

Blocks Found

Returns a JSON array listing all blocks found by the given address through LiteSolo.

GET https://litesolo.org/api/v1/addresses/{address}/blocks
Sample Response
        "hash": "7d8192d6f69bd938a3d58754349d26614d57e3bbd21b6ac929522e0a776fd608",  # block hash
        "time": 1663611613,              # time at which the block was found
        "chain": "DOGE",                 # the blockchain, either "LTC" or "DOGE"
        "height": 4535601,               # height of the block
        "stale": false,                  # whether the block is currently considered stale (or “orphaned”)
        "difficulty": 6445323.53131522,  # difficulty of the block
        "reward": 9915.566209,           # coins the miner obtained for mining the block
        "worker": "woody"                # name of the worker that found the block

Chart Data

Returns a JSON array of data points in time, sorted chronologically. Each entry is itself a JSON array, composed of a timestamp and statistics associated to it.

GET https://litesolo.org/api/v1/addresses/{address}/chart
Sample Response
        1670182200,  # timestamp
        3,           # number of active workers
        1501432000,  # total hash rate
        0.0027382    # ratio of stale work submitted recently